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Designer Fake Bags Rielle Hunter aka Lisa Jo Druck is a vapid, heartless woman. Here is a woman who first has an affair with a married man whose wife has Replica Bags terminal cancer. Then, after the wife has passed away, she publicly trashes her. An industry that has thrived despite strict regulation and a century old ban in the capital Paris Replica Handbags is now eyeing big urban centers where it was once unwelcome.With cash strapped local governments looking for more revenue, the tax jackpots casinos can generate are looking increasingly attractive.That is helping them get a foothold outside of the resort and health spa towns, such as Deauville on France’s northern coast, to which they have been largely confined since casino gambling was legalized in 1907.In a policy U turn, the mayor of Marseille, Jean Claude Gaudin, has just opened the way for a casino operation in the Mediterranean port city of more than 800,000 people, where one in four resident lives below the poverty line.Gaudin announced earlier this week that a public tender was to be launched to license a casino operator in a sun soaked city that more often makes the headlines with news of shootouts among rival druglords.”I’ve never in my entire life played in a casino, but I can understand people like it,” Gaudin conceded.As France, like the rest of Europe, strives to keep a lid on public overspending, the drive to cut deficits is putting local government funding under increasing pressure and boosting the attractiveness of cash cow casinos.According to the casino industry federation, taxes paid by casinos, mostly levies on “one arm bandits” and other types of coin slot machines, click provide 30 percent of the city budget in Deauville and up to 80 percent of local funds on other places. For the first time in seven years, the net revenues of France’s 201 casinos rose in 2015, growing 2.2 percent to 2.2 billion euros.”France is the leading country in Europe for the number of casinos and the turnover figure, ahead of England,” Laurent Lassiaz, chairman of Casino group JOA, told Reuters.More than half of the space at JOA’s 22 casinos was now devoted to non gambling activity too, he said, adding that diversification was vital. “The goal is to generate turnover and profitability from the host of activities with a clientele that sees casinos more as leisure centers.”Slideshow (2 Images)Partouche, the country’s largest casino group, Replica Designer Handbags has started building an open air casino in the historic shipbuilding city of La Ciotat, not far from Marseille, where most of a vast outdoor space will be filled with slot machines.All of the large casino groups are looking to get in on the act in Marseille itself, where mayor Gaudin’s change of heart Fake Designer Bags is partly inspired by studies showing a new casino could create 500 jobs and contribute 10 million euros per year to the city’s public finances.The last bastion is Paris Designer Fake Bags.