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The title track from his 1987 debut album and probably his most famous solo song. It was the number one single of the year in the US in 1988, and took a different direction to his previous work by incorporating a more rock ‘n’ roll vibe. His look from the music video is one of

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Italian designer duo Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have apologised for calling children born out of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) “synthetic”. The designers had made these controversial remarks five months ago, inviting backlash from people across the world. The designers, who were a couple for 20 years, had also opposed gay adoption during an interview

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His head bouncing off the canvas, he said

Perhaps no piece of music that’s come out of New York in the last 10 or so years typifies the city’s underground dance music cultures better than Hercules Love Affair’s Blind a post disco track with lyrics by Anohni (Antony Hegarty). It’s what you might call a sad banger a tearjerker that tears up the

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Visitors to Sierra Vista who are traveling by RV have access

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